Example Schedule for Perth Timezone when Sydney/Melbourne/Canberra does not observe Daylight Savings (April to October)
Time | Activity | Duration |
8:00 | Orientation and Instruction | 0:45 |
8:45 | Seated Meditation | 0:45 |
9:30 | Walking Meditation | 0:45 |
10:15 | Seated Meditation | 1:00 |
11:15 | Walking Meditation | 0:45 |
12:00 | Dharma Talk | 1:00 |
13:00 | Lunch/Exercise | 1:00 |
14:00 | Seated Meditation | 0:45 |
14:45 | Walking Meditation | 0:30 |
15:15 | Group Meditation | 0:45 |
16:00 | Finish | 0:45 |
Example Schedule for Perth Timezone based on Sydney/Melbourne/Canberra Daylight Savings (October to April)
Time | Activity | Duration |
7:00 | Orientation and Instruction | 0:45 |
7:45 | Seated Meditation | 0:45 |
8:30 | Walking Meditation | 0:30 |
9:00 | Seated Meditation | 0:45 |
9:45 | Walking Meditation | 0:30 |
10:15 | Seated Meditation | 0:45 |
11:00 | Dharma Talk | 1:00 |
12:00 | Lunch/Exercise | 1:00 |
13:00 | Walking Meditation | 0:30 |
13:30 | Seated Meditation | 0:45 |
14:15 | Group Meditation | 0:45 |
15:00 | Finish |